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Product of the Month

This month, fall into savings with our October special: Buy 2 NRM and get 2 FREE!

This month, fall into savings with our October special: Buy 2 NRM and get 2 FREE! From Monday, October 14, 2024, at 8 PM ET to Monday, October 21, 2024, at 8 PM ET, or while supplies last, you can take advantage of this incredible offer.

Now you enhance your health and well-being with each delicious apple-flavored NRM lozenge. It supports overall vitality and health, with an emphasis on improving metabolic balance. Simply select the Product of the Month Kit (SKU 868) in your APLGO BackOffice to unlock this deal. Don’t miss out on this exclusive opportunity for the USA and Canada—it's the ideal time to stock up!

As part of October's Breast Cancer Awareness Month, a portion of the proceeds from our sales will go to the Susan Komen Foundation. 

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