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Product of the Month

For a limited time, when you purchase our Product of the Month - PWR Lemon kit, you will receive 4 PWR Lemon for the price of ONLY 2!

For a limited time, when you purchase our Product of the Month - PWR Lemon kit, you will receive 4 PWR Lemon for the price of ONLY 2! Craving a burst of Apricot goodness instead? We have you covered there, too! Grab our Product of the Month - PWR Apricot kit and receive 4 PWR Apricot for the price of ONLY 2! Do not miss this amazing deal to power up your health and vitality – because everyone deserves a taste of extraordinary wellness! Simply select either of the kits mentioned above (sku 803 or 802) in your APLGO BackOffice or APL Shop to unlock this deal.

This offer is valid from Monday, November 4, 2024, at 7 PM ET to Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 7 PM ET, or while supplies last. Available only in the USA and Canada.

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